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Paul Richards, Chief Executive

Paul is a leader with 20 years’ experience of running Housing and support organisations. Having joined Arc in late 2024, Paul is passionate about delivering the best homes and services we can for those experiencing homelessness, as well as working on how we can do even more to meet what is an ever increasing need.

Joe Phillips, Head of Finance

Martin Ball, Head of Property Services 

Martin is responsible for the compliance and upkeep of our properties, organising repairs and refurbishments with his hard working Maintenance Team. He is health and safety lead, looking after the security and wellbeing of clients and the organisation as a whole.

Rosie Hather,  Head of Development

Rosie has been working for Arc since 2014. Her role is to manage the income generation, fundraising, awareness raising and marketing of the charitable organisation to ensure we can achieve our goals and provide a high quality service for our clients. Rosie also manages internal central services such as administration, communication and IT. 

Housing Service Managers, Sherri Grant and Lindy Fountain

Our Housing Service Managers Sherri & Lindy support our fantastic team of Housing Support Workers and ensuring all of our clients needs are met on a daily basis, personalising their approach to meet individual needs. 

Marcus Bond, Quality & Performance Manager 

Marcus has worked at Arc since 2016 and is part of the Leadership Team.  His role is to support a data-driven culture at Arc and provide insight to enable informed decisions. He is passionate about using data to be able to deliver business and service improvements to colleagues and residents that fit our strategic aims.

Samantha Parr, Fundraising & Communications Assistant 

Part of the Fundraising and Communications Department. Sam's role is to help raise funds and awareness for the charity, to ensure we can provide the services we do for the homeless.

"I've always wanted to work for Arc and I love being part of the Fundraising & Communications Team. It's great to know I am doing my bit to give back and help those who are going through a rought time locally."

Judith, Louise and Matilda, Business Support Assistants

Judith, Matilda and Louise provide administrative support for all areas of the organisation and help us to work effeciantly and effectively, providing a high level of customer support and care 

Housing Support Workers, Satellite and Lindley House

Our fantastic team of Housing Support Workers support our clients on a daily basis, personalising their approach to meet individual needs. There are 2 teams; 1 team support the clients based at Lindley House, our 40 bed hostel, whilst a second team support those clients within our 15 satellite properties. 

Outreach Team, Richard Hole and Tracey Mansfield

Our Outreach Team conduct early morning walkabouts, covering the area of Sedgemoor. Locating any new rough sleepers and checking on those that are known to be out and sleeping rough. The team also responds quickly to reports of rough sleepers from the general public or other agencies. 

Finance Team, Matilda and Alina

Working alongside our Head of Finance Joe is Alina as a Finance Assistants and Matilda working as a Business Support Assistant.The team have different roles to ensure the smooth running of our finance department and financial position.


Property Team, Mike, Cary Steve, Billy and Rob

Introducing our hardworking and busy maintenance team - 
Mike Thomas - Property Team Leader 
Stephen Lee - Painter and decorator, general repairs (right in photo)
Billy Goldsmith - Groundsman and decorator for Lindley House (left in photo)
Cary - Handyman
Rob - General Maintenance Operative

John Corigan, Kitchen Manager

John works hard in our hostel kitchen to provide 3 meals daily to the 40 clients living here. We also have a fantastic team of volunteers supporting John with the daily tasks of food prep, serving and cleaning. 

Robert Noonan, Kitchen Assistant 

Robert supports John in providing 3 meals daily to the 40 clients living in our hostel. Supporting John with the daily tasks of plannning, prepping, cooking, serving and cleaning. 

Jordan Canter, Social Enterprise Manager

Jordan has set up and now runs our Social Enterprise, Crescent Cleaning Services (CCS).  CCS provides support, training and employment to former Arc clients and anyone else who has experienced homelessness and has grown substantially in its first few years.
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© 2025  ARC, 7 The Crescent, Taunton, Somerset TA14EA     Telephone 01823 271326     www.arcinspire.co.uk
Registered as a Community Benefit Society No. 23680R.  Arc is the trading name for Taunton Association for the Homeless.