Stuart creates pencil drawings, plus paintings, upcycling of items, and even garden murals in his spare time. He is if offering to send unframed/unmounted copies of his back catalogue drawings, in return for donations to the charity (minimum size donations will apply).
Stuart is also offering to take new commissions for work too. Any works and originals drawings will be priced on application and will include an amount as a donation to the charity, too.
Copies will be of original size drawings. Commissioned drawings will be available on either A4 or A3 size paper.
If you are interested in either receiving copies of any back catalogue drawings or you wish to commission him for any new drawings, then please contact Rosie at Arc on: [email protected] / 07736043403
When you are ready to make your donation in return for your artwork or commission, please use the donation form to the right-hand side.
Please see below for examples of Stuart's Artwork:
Pet portraits Celebrity portraits

Family portraits