
Home Page > Our Services > Accommodation

Arc’s core service is to provide accommodation for those who have become homeless.

Our accommodation offerings are based on the different support needs of our clients, to ensure we can provide a personalised approach for each individual.

Lindley House in Taunton is our hostel with 40 rooms. Our hostel is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provides 3 meals per day for clients staying there. This tends to be where clients start their journey with Arc whilst we assess their support needs and work with them in their transition to more independent living.

Our 16 ‘satellite properties’ are based in Taunton and Bridgwater and each houses between 5 and 15 individuals. Support is still provided on a weekly, one to one basis by our Housing Support Workers but there is no live in support. Satellite accommodation allows our clients to live in a more independent environment, preparing them for their own homes when ready!

There is no time restriction in any of our properties. Although our accommodation is classed as ‘temporary’, each individual’s circumstance is different and we respect that. A client could need 3 months in our services or a year. We will ensure a client is ready before they take their next step.
Among our satellite properties is Victory House, 8 bed accommodation specifically for veterans. Victory House was launched in February 2018 as we noticed a rise in veterans using our services and recognised that their support needs differed from civilian clients. Clients in Victory House receive specialised support with issues such as PTSD, institutionalisation and returning to civilian life.

Once clients are ready our Housing Support Workers will assist them into their own home, which can be through housing associations, the local council or private rental properties.

As well as the support provided by our Housing Support Workers there are a number of ways we can assist clients with independant accommodation. We help with costly deposits and fees associated with taking on your own home, such as rent in advance or purchasing items such as white goods. We also provide tenancy sustainment but supporting our clients for 6 months after leaving Arc's services, to ensure they settle in well and can sustain their new independent tenancy.

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© 2025  ARC, 7 The Crescent, Taunton, Somerset TA14EA     Telephone 01823 271326
Registered as a Community Benefit Society No. 23680R.  Arc is the trading name for Taunton Association for the Homeless.