Arc's Outreach Team cover Sedgemoor supporting rough sleepers.
Arc's Outreach Team conduct early morning walkabouts, locating any new rough sleepers and checking on those that are known to be out and sleeping rough. The team also make themselves available at drop in services for the homeless.
Arc also provide a rapid response service in Sedgemoor which responds to any reported sightings of rough sleepers anywhere in Sedgemoor.
The team can offer support, advice and signposting to address housing issues and assess the individual for suitable accommodation and other services.
Drop in Services:
Open Door in Taunton is a Monday to Friday service for rough sleepers, running from 9.30am-1pm. It offers food, showers, clothing, laundry facilities and access to computers. There are also music, cooking and craft sessions.
A drop in service at Westfield Church in Bridgwater runs Monday to Friday, from 9.30 - 11.30am, offering food, shower and laundry facilities and the opportunity to meet our Outreach Team who can signpost to the relevant support and accommodation services.
If you’re concerned about a rough sleeper:
If you have seen a rough sleeper and are concerned for their welfare, you can contact the Outreach Team.
For Taunton or West Somerset, please call the council's Outreach Team:
From 09:00 -16:00 0300 304 8000.
Out of Hours 0300 123 2327
For Sedgemoor, please call Arc's Outreach Team:
Richard - 07903062769
Or Lindley House for out of hours - 01823 254557
Streetlink: You can also alert the correct services of a rough sleeper by visiting Street Link, which will alert the correct authority or outreach team. Do this by visiting: