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StreetVet Re-accreditation through Pets at Home Funding!
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole..."
...And that's why we are so adamant to not let homelessness break that special pet owner bond! At Arc, we are one of only 10% of hostels that allow dogs to live in our services with owners. That means that in many cases, people who become homeless with pets are having to give up their furry companions, or face a life on the streets with their pets alongside them. We're so delighted to be working alongside StreetVet, who, like us, want to ensure that nobody has to choose between their pet and a roof over their heads.
From March 2022-March 2023, we were lucky to have a 'free trial' of StreetVet's hostel accreditation scheme, which gives Arc the confidence and capabilities to house people with their pets, as well as providing the support that pets owners need to keep their furry friends happy and healthy! With our re-accreditation on the horizon, we submitted an application for funding from the Pets at Home Foundation so we could continue with this fantastic scheme and vital work. It's safe to say we were thrilled when they awarded us with the funding and we have another year in partnership with StreetVet. One aim of Pets at Home Foundation's funding is to provide assistance to ensure pets can remain with their owners and so we'd say we're all a match made in heaven! A huge thank you to the Pets at Home Foundation - we know there will be many waggy tails and lots of hearts made whole by your contribution!