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I am Homeless

We can help!
Please know that you don’t have to go through this alone. 

If you have become homeless or are at risk of homelessness, in the first instance, you must contact your local authority as they may be able to help you with accommodation. It is best to contact the local authority as soon as possible. If they can’t help you they can refer you to the appropriate service.

You may find these contact details useful:

Somerset Council:

If you have an immediate homelessness situation and you have nowhere safe to sleep tonight, call us urgently on 0300 123 2224.

If calling after 5pm, on a weekend or on a bank holiday, call the out of hours service on 0300 1232327.

You can also contact Arc
If you are based in Somerset and in need of accommodation, you can contact Arc for support. Initially please email:
[email protected] or call 01823 271326 / 01823 254557 

You can download a self referral form by clicking here

If you are an exteranl agency: 

You can use our referral form to refer someone to our services. Download the form by clicking here.

Outreach for Rough Sleepers:

In Sedgemoor the Outreach Team is run by Arc. Taunton and West Somerset's Outreach Team is run by Somerset Council. 

You can find Richard & Tracey from the Arc Outreach team at the drop-in service at  Westfield Church, West Street, Bridgwater on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays ( Except the last Friday of the month)

Other drop-in services are available at Open Door, 1A Mount Street, Taunton, and The Hope Centre, at the Minehead Baptist Church and Connect Community Church in Yeovil.

You can also report yourself or another person as Rough Sleeping on the StreetLink website here StreetLink - Connecting people sleeping rough to local services
By logging details with StreetLink, the relevant support service will be alerted to provide help.


Who we can help

Whether you’re sleeping on the streets, sofa surfing or at risk of becoming homeless, we can support you to access the services you need. 

No matter your background or what led to your homelessness, we can help you to find suitable accommodation and support within our services. We can assist single homeless individuals from the ages of 25+.

If you are aged between 16 and 25, please see this webpage for support: 

We are unable to house those with no local connection, however we may be able to assist with reconnecting you to your local area, unless there is reason why you cannot return. 

I am worried about someone who is rough sleeping

Thank you for your concern. You can alert the correct services of a rough sleeper by visiting Street Link, which will alert the correct authority or outreach team.

Do this by visiting:
If you know someone who is at risk of becoming homeless or who is homeless in Sedgemoor, you can speak with our Outreach Team who will ensure this individual gets the support they need.

Please call Rich: 07903062769 or Amy: 07592380824


Other Useful Contacts

There may be many other agencies who can support you with your current situation. Whether you're struggling with your mental health, looking for housing advice or accommodation for your specific needs. Please take a look at our list of useful contacts by downloading the document below. 

We are currently updating our list of useful contacts. If you need any information or support urgently, please call us on 01823 254557
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© 2025  ARC, 7 The Crescent, Taunton, Somerset TA14EA     Telephone 01823 271326
Registered as a Community Benefit Society No. 23680R.  Arc is the trading name for Taunton Association for the Homeless.